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Why new year's resolutions fail (and how to make them succeed)

As each new year begins, there is always a strong feeling of wanting to get things moving, to let go of habits that no longer serve me, shake off some of that Christmas excess and welcome a fresh new energy. 


Right now, you might be busy making new year's resolutions, and wondering if this will be the year the resolution finally comes to fruition! They say that new year's resolutions fail 95% of the time, but that doesn't have to be the case. 


I've been committed to helping people craft the life of their dreams for over thirty years, and in that time, I've learnt a thing or two about what works and what doesn’t.  There are three main reasons why your new year's resolution may lose steam.


NUMBER 1 - The astrology for the new year doesn’t really kick in until the 20th of January and this can lead to false starts.  Kind of like the week after Christmas where you want to immediately diet and stop drinking because you’ve eaten enough to feed a small village, then a few days to go and the New Year’s Eve celebrations start, oh and don’t forget about the left overs that can’t go to waste in the fridge. If we start our habit changes around the 20th it will give us more of an edge and we will be working with the energies.


NUMBER 2 - We start the resolution as a knee jerk reaction to feeling bad about what has happened in the past year. This is a sure-fire way to keep the old habits going. When we focus on what feels good for us, we are using a better approach.


NUMBER 3 - The changes don’t come from a true soul space.  We think what we want is what we want.  We can be running from a conditioned response or out of guilt.  (I’ll be a better person kind of goals)  We need to get committed to connecting to our authentic self and aligned self. 

The good news is that we live in a reality that is designed for you to have what you desire.  Knowing how to navigate the true nature of this reality is what has been misunderstood by many and still there is so much misinformation that just confuses people into a state of hopelessness and accepting their lot in life.


The laws of this reality are simple, yet have been shrouded in mystery over centuries, and if you understand how to use these laws to harness the natural forces to work with you there is nothing that you won’t be able to have, if you truly want it. 


Your body can be programmed to achieve your goals!



"Until you make the unconscious conscious it will direct your life and you will call it fate."

Carl Jung

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