The idea that we are meant to have it all is a powerful and comforting concept. Ancient texts suggest that this reality was created for us to manifest all of our dreams, not just a few of them. Our hearts long for love, prosperity, peace, and deep connections. It's like a divine promise that if we desire something, it is meant for us to have.
I always believe that our personal dreams and desires are unique to us. The creator of this reality made this place like a playground for us to fulfil all of our wildest dreams. We are here to be showered with blessings and abundance in all areas of our lives. I have a saying "that my dreams are written in my heart by the creator". We are meant to follow the guidance of our heart with faith and knowingness that this is what is meant for us.
But why does it sometimes feel so hard? Why do we face chaos, bad relationships, poverty, and struggles in life? Why so much suffering? It can be overwhelming to see these reflections in our reality. The ancient sages have been sending us messages from the past to self-correct and show us the path but we have been lost in the illusion the maya so deeply to even understand what these messages mean. I believe that we have come to a time now that we are awakening en masse and now its possible to grasp these key points of guidance to correct the course of our destiny. Ill share with you some of the key principles that I have learnt and used and the laws to navigate this reality that you may find useful.
Firstly, it's essential to recognise that we are not just physical beings, but souls with a spirit. The spirit or prana, chi, life force, as it is often called, is the fuel that runs our body. The spirit is the energy that runs the battery, the electricity that powers the appliance. We can say that someone is highly spirited because they have access to a lot of this life force energy. The soul on the other hand is who we really are.. our true self or what could be referred to as the higher self. The work is to condition our vessel to receive more of the soul. Some people run on a very low percentage of soul, and we can see that in our world where it’s a dog-eat-dog mentality. The being is so identified with the ego and survival of the individual they believe they are separate from everyone, and others are the enemy. This is the source of most of our suffering and whether we function from the soul or the ego, will be the indicator of whether we live a purpose filled life that is fulfilling, or we live in hell on earth.
We are here to learn valuable lessons and become vessels to receive blessings. Before we came here the creator had given us lessons that need to be mastered so that we can receive more of our source energy our soul., but how do we then prepare the vessel to receive all the blessings that are intended for us? What are these lessons that the creator has given us to learn and correct?
This reality is a mirror and will reflect to us all our limitations. We will always attract to us the exact lesson that we need to master. If someone makes us angry then they are sent to expose the exact thing that needs to be exposed. There are no mistakes here and we are not victims. Everything is perfectly created to the minutest detail. The planets circle around the sun in exact synchronicity showing us that this reality is not a random chaotic event but a perfectly timed divine creation. If its in your world its your lesson to master. Next time something doesn't go the way you want or someone annoys you, for example the woman at the check-out is not so nice today try this simple thing;
Stop for a moment and think to yourself this is my blessing today.
This is uncovering my stuck emotion that is now allowing that emotion to leave my body.
Let it go with love and rather than react to the woman, be aware she was sent by the creator to make it obvious to you that you are carrying annoyance in your field. Notice the annoyance bless it and let it go. You would not have attracted her if it wasn’t in your field. Its as simple as that.
The more we practice this (it can become quite a challenge when its something very charged and big) the quicker we come back into alignment with the creator energy and our soul energy. We are literally creating the space to receive more blessings when we uncover and let go of this emotional baggage.
We also need to be mindful of our limiting beliefs, which can block the flow of abundance into our lives. We have free will in this place and if we want to believe that all men or women are bad then that is what will flow to us. The only thing is that it doesn’t feel great when we receive that reflection. That’s how we know it doesn’t come from the soul and is not creator energy. If we believe money is hard to come by then that will become the contraction in the field. If we are always worried about being sick and believe that our body could be sick in any moment than that is what we will attract.
We all have some limiting beliefs banging around in our field and its a great practice to become mindful of these limitations and simply choose to see it another way. This is why mindfulness meditations and even self inquiry journaling is a great practice to have. Its a way to defrag the biological computer and start to self correct.
By understanding these principles and making a conscious effort to align ourselves with them, we can start living a life where we truly have it all. Our dreams are within reach, and we are meant to thrive in every aspect of our lives. Remember, you deserve to have it all.