Harnessing the power of the Lions Gate 8.8.8
Greetings, cosmic family!
The years most significant manifestation event has commenced — the Lions Gate Portal. This auspicious juncture occurs annually and peaks on August 8th. From the 26th July up to the 12th August we are in the energy of this divine alignment.
The Lions Gate is a cosmic alignment of the star Sirius, the constellation of Orion’s Belt and Earth all align with the Sun which is in Leo. This year in particular 8.8.2024 numerologicaly is the 8.8.8, which is an auspicious number that is connected to higher guidance. 8 has been connected to prosperity in all areas.
You may feel like youre in a cosmic tumble dryer
During this period, it is not uncommon that we enter rapid healing, trials and tests. As you experience some of these very challenging quests remember that its a purification process to allow you to receive the higher frequencies of Sirius and Orions belt. The ancients beleived that Sirius was a portal to the higher realms and higher consciousness. Orions belt was believed to be the birthing place of Gods and new cycles. Take what you’re going through at this time as a blessing even though you may feel like you are going through the tumble dryer energetically.
The Lions gate portal is a sacred gateway that amplifies our connection to the divine, enhances our intuitive abilities, and supports us in manifesting our highest intentions. It’s a time when the veil between the earthly and spiritual dimensions is at its thinnest, allowing us to harness the cosmic energies and usher in transformations in our lives.
Here are some manifestation tips to tune into these brilliant rays and fire up your deepest and most authentic desires.
Get clear about what you really want.
Take the time to become clear about you want to bring into your life. How do you want your life to look and what is it that you long for? Write down your intentions clearly and see them in your minds eye with the feeling of what it would feel like if it was already manifest. Ask yourself why is it I want this thing so that you can supercharge your intentions.
Purify your energy field.
Purify your space and your aura. Most of all your mental clutter. Practice forgiveness and truly let go of who and what you no longer want to carry around in your energy field. The more we can let go of negativity and bitterness we hold about others the closer we are to the miracle of life without them.
Meditate and Visualise.
If you can navigate this tumultuous energy at the moment to still the mind and become centred then you have the ability to tune into what your heart desires and also get the guidance of these higher frequencies.
Heart coherence.
Heart coherence is the alignment of heart, mind and body. Be mindful if your mind body and spirit are all aligned in congruent flow. What that means is that if you desire peace but engage in battle or look for drama then you are incongruent. If you want health but continue to eat the foods that are not healthy then you are incongruent. Allow yourself to really have what it is that you want by becoming congruent in your thought actions and word.
Stay Grounded in Gratitude.
Gratitude has been proven to heal our body and brain. Simply tuning into gratitude takes you out of victim consciousness. It will switch the frequency of where you may be stuck in lower levels of consciousness, chasing, efforting and striving to a more whole and healthier consciousness state. It allows us to come back to present time and pause to acknowledge that all is well. This allows more abundance and prosperity to flow to you.
Let go, release and have faith.
Have you ever had the experience of focusing on something so much and then finally letting it go and it comes into being! The intention phase and visualisation phase of manifestation charges the field and then when we release our intentions to the universe with trust they somehow come back to us. Surrendering our dreams over to universe is essential, knowing that the infinite is working in your favor to bring your dreams into reality is the secret ingredient.
May the light of Sirius illuminate your path and the strength of the Lion empower your dreams. Happy manifesting!
A gift for you …
For those of you that would like to work more intensively with these energies I have put together a 14 day manifestation course that I did specifically for the lions gate. This is a FREE course that gives you a daily focus that allows you to work with your personal goals. This is my gift to you. FREE MANIFESTATION WORKSHOP